Saturday, 4 January 2014

Free Photography Books That You Must Have Right Now!

Hello, welcome to The Photography Freak. Since you're visiting this blog post, I'll assume that you're interested in photography books. If this is the case, then look no further. Below I've uploaded a few books which I've personally used throughout my photography career. I've hand picked these books from hundreds of books in the photography industry and uploaded the books that contain rich quality content and are easy to follow along. The photography books that I will be posting range from beginner level which contain simple photography techniques to get the reader started, as well as advanced books which contain professional techniques created and used by the top photographers in the industry. 

This list is not yet complete. I'll be adding new books to this blog post very often. I suggest that you bookmark this post, and check back periodically for new content. I should also mention that all the photography books I will be posting are free to download. 

Below you will find the information about each book, along with their respective download links. It is advised that you read the provided information and deciede if the book is right for you.

Photography Books

 BetterPhoto Basics: The Absolute Beginner's Guide to Taking Photos Like a Pro

This book is a must have for anyone interested in photography. You'll learn a multitude of tips and tricks to improve the quality of your photos with any camera. BetterPhoto Basics also teaches its readers to make the most out of their indoor and outdoor lighting. This is a great place to start your photography journey. Even though it's a beginner level book, intermediate and advanced photographers have learnt a improve their photos with a few photography techniques mentioned in this book. 

Photography Business Secrets: The Savvy Photographer's Guide to Sales, Marketing, and More

Photography is a rapidly growing industry and it's becoming very competitive. Photographers constantly  need to get that competitive edge over one another to stay at the top of the game. This book will share techniques used by the professional photographers related to marketing and business strategies.

How to Photograph Absolutely Everything: Successful Pictures From Your Digital Camera

This book is great for amateur photographers. It avoid the use of technical jargon that is commonly seen in most photography books. It uses simple terminology to explain even the most advanced concepts. The author does an excellent job at explaining the basic elements of photography such as lighting, color and focus.